Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning has the following terms, conditions and stipulations that apply to all customers/clients. Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning, and it's affiliates, employees, and owner, assume that by booking any of our services, you have read the terms & conditions. By using our service(s), you agree to our terms & conditions, and you you acknowledge everything written below, and agree not to slander, negatively review, or hold Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning accountable/liable for any of the following:
1. Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning reserves the right to change pricing at any time for any reason. Pricing can change for many reasons, including but not limited to: market research, increased production costs, increased liability (any job that puts the employees of Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning or their customers at risk) per scheduled appointment.
2. Estimates given over the phone, e-mail, or in person are only estimates and may not reflect the actual cost of the cleaning, when the condition of the carpet, tile, rug, hardwood, or upholstered furniture is inspected.
1. Mister Steamer does not move furniture included within any service. Furniture moving can be a liability for the following reasons:
A. Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning can accidentally break/damage/ distort belongings when moving furniture.
B. The employees of Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning can suffer unnecessary injury when moving furniture.
2. Any furniture that the customer wishes to be out of the way to be cleaned underneath, etc. will need to be moved prior to our arrival on site. Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning is not responsible for any damage that can occur to delicate furniture including but not limited to china, antiques, decorations, appliances, etc. that are not moved out of the way prior to cleaning.
1. You Agree That You Will Not Hold Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning Liable To Any Of The Following Damages That May Occur From Restorative Cleaning, Including, But Not Limited To:
-MDF baseboard swelling from tile cleaning
-paint chips, scrapes/ marks on the following, including but not limited to baseboards, floors
-dislodged grout, webbed grout
-carpet fiber pulling from vacuuming
-upholstery shrinkage
-rug/ upholstery dye loss
Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning will forewarn the customer of, mitigate, and when possible, prevent any damage that can occur as a result of restorative cleaning.
1. Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning does not guarantee the full removal of any spot/ stain including but not limited to, make-up, wine, dyes, waxes, finishes, urine staining, nicotine contamination, and residual cleaners.
1. Wicking: Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning will warranty cleaning for a period of no longer than 48 hours from the scheduled appointment. 48 hours is the time frame in which a recurring stain may re-appear. Anything after 48 hours can not be traced to an issue with cleaning and as such, if a client fails to report an issue after 48 hours from the scheduled appointment, Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning will not be held liable. If any concerns are reported after the 48 hours, that the client/customer wishes Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning to correct, an additional fee will apply of the minimum charge of $199 plus HST. Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning has up to 30 business days to address any issues mentioned within the 48 hours of the completed scheduled appointment.
2. Protectants: Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning will warranty a protector for a period of no longer than 30 days. Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning will make suggestions to the client/customer for recommended spot treating and maintenance for any floor covering and/ or textile a protector is applied to, including: carpet protection, upholstery protection, tile and grout sealant, and hardwood floor finish. Failure to adhere to the maintenance and spotting recommendations of Mister Steamer Carpet Cleaning can result in premature failure of any of the aforementioned protectants.
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